Phone: 845 639-6320
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Lafferty & Mrs. Hanley
Together we can do anything! We are happy to support all learners as they begin to recognize how smart they are! Please visit the links below and enjoy learning about math.
Scholastic Book Order - use code GNQQL
Math Games K - 2
Choose your grade - Games by Standard
Number Flash - Choose from 5 Frames, 10 Frames and more
Number Bonds - Make 10
Save the Whale! - Number Bonds
Balloon Pop - Skip Counting
Koala Karts - Ten Frame Counting
Alien Invasion - Addition
Minus Mission - Subtraction
Rabbit Takeaway - Subtraction
Cone Crazy - Multiplication
Puzzle Pictures - Telling Time
Dolphin Dash - Counting Money
Dolphin Feed - Making Money
Whack a Difference - Logic
ThinkCentral - Online Math Tools
Thinking Blocks - Visual Models for Problem Solving
Coloring Squared - Pixel Art for Kids
Math Games 3 - 5
Make a 3-Digit Number - Comparing
Soccer Math - Rounding
Glowla's Estimation Contraption - Estimation
Alien Invasion - Addition
Whack an Answer - Subtraction
Step by Step - Subtraction with Regrouping
Thinking Blocks - Visual Models for Problem Solving
Math Monsters - Multiplication
Hungry Puppies - Add/Sub Decimals
Speedway Fractions - Add/Sub Fractions
Fractions Jeopardy - All Operations
Algebra Math Games - Grades 3-8
Equation Writing - Algebra
Alien Angles - Geometry
Games for the Brain - Keep your brain in shape
Virtual Math Manipulatives
Virtual Manipulatives
The ToyTheater is a great place to start when looking for virtual math tools. Mathigon is another site with great resources - particulary for place value and fraction bars. The Didax site has also made their tools available virtually. You can also use the links below for tools from the Math Learning Center - click the information button for more direction for each tool.
Summer Math - Lakewood
Hola! My name is Ms. Haggarty and I am the FLES teacher at Lakewood Elementary! FLES stands for Foreign Language in the Elementary School. More specifically, I teach Spanish! In Spanish class, we learn through songs and games! You can see what your child(ren) is currently learning by clicking the FLES Newsletters tab on the left side! There are also some review games you can check out by clicking on your grade level tab! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me! My email is
- Kindergarten
- 1st Grade
- 2nd Grade
- 3rd Grade
- 4th Grade
- 5th Grade
- FLES Newsletters
- Why is learning a 2nd language important?
- Songs
- Photo Gallery
- Links
- Book Suggestions
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Our Kindergarten students have been learning A LOT during Spanish! Check back here often to see what your child(ren) is currently learning! You can always check out our FLES newsletter on the left-hand side to see what we are currently working on in Kindergarten Spanish! This newsletter is updated bi-monthly!
Kindergarten students have been practicing their colors in Spanish! Click here to dance to one of our favorite brain breaks!
See what colors you spy here! :
Our Kindergarten students have been doing a wonderful job learning their opposites! Click here to sing along to our new song!
Our Kindergarten students have been learning how to answer the question:
¿Cómo estás?
Click here to practice our new song to review our emotions!
Click here to sing our greeting song!
Review Games!
1st Grade
¡Hola 1st grade families! Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Check back here often to see what your child(ren) is currently learning! You can always check out our FLES newsletter on the left-hand side to see what we are currently working on in 1st-grade Spanish! This newsletter is updated bi-monthly!
Las Frutas
Our 1st grade students have been doing a great job learning their fruit vocabulary in Spanish! See if you can spot any of the fruits we have learned in the Peppa Pig video below!
la manzana-apple
la banana- banana
la naranja- orange
las uvas- grapes
la pera- pear
la fresa-strawberry
Las verduras
la lechuga- lettuce
el tomate- tomato
el maiz- corn
el brócoli- brocoli
el apio- celery
la zanahoria- carrots
Click here to see if you can name any of the vegetables Peppa and her family put in their salad!
Los números
Numbers 0-10
We are continue to count higher and higher in 1st grade Spanish!
¿Cómo estás?
Our 1st-grade students have been doing a wonderful job saying how they are feeling in Spanish!
Review Games!
- Fruit Guessing Wheel
- Vegetable Guessing Wheel
- Animal Gameshow
- Animal Sort (horse, pig, cow, chick)
- Color Sort (Orange, yellow, green, purple)
- Colors Sorting (black, white, pink, brown)
- Emotions Sorting
- Tener Expressions
- Fruits & Vegetables Quiz
- Fruit Image Reveal
- Fruit Memory
- Vegetable Memory
- Vegetable Image Reveal
- Vegetable/Animal Game
- Farm Animal Sort
- Color Review
- Color Quiz
- Color Memory
- ¿Cómo estás? Memory
- ¿Cómo estás? Sorting
2nd Grade
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Our 2nd-grade students have been learning A LOT during Spanish! Click on the links below to see what our 2nd-grade students will be learning! You can always check out our FLES newsletters on the left-hand side to see what we are currently working on in 2nd grade Spanish! These newsletters are updated bi-monthly.
La escuela
Our 3rd grade students have been learning about the places around their school!
la cafetería
la enfermería
la biblioteca
la sala de música
la oficina de la directora
la sala de arte
la escuela
la oficina
el patio de juegos
el gimnasio
El Tiempo
Our 2nd grade students recently learned how to describe the weather in Spanish! Check out some of the review games on the left for more practice!
hace sol
hace frío
hace calor
està nublado
Hay relàmpagos
Los meses
Our 2nd grade students have recently learned the months of the year in Spanish! They also learned a song and dance to practice all the months!
Los números
Our 2nd-grade students will be learning how to count up to 30 in Spanish! Click here to practice!
Los Números 0-20
12- doce
16- dieciséis
17- diecisiete
18- dieciocho
¿Cómo estás?
Our 2nd-grade students have been doing a wonderful job saying how they are feeling in Spanish!
Review Games!
Review Memory
- Months Quiz
- Months Memory (all months)
- Months Memory
- School Places All Vocabulary
- School Places Maze Chase
- School Places Boxes
- School Places Image Reveal
- School Places Memory
- School Places Quiz
- Tener Expressions Box
- Tener Expressions Airplane
- Tener Expressions Memory
- Tener Expressions Quiz
- Weather Image Reveal
- Weather Memory
- Weather Quiz
- Los Colores (Sorting)
- Los Colores
- Farm Animal Sorting
- Farm Animal Memory
- Vegetable Image Reveal
- Fruits Image Reveal
- Las Verduras Memory
- Las Frutas Memory
- Las frutas y las verduras Quiz Game 2
- Las frutas y las verduras Quiz Game
3rd Grade
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Click on the links below to see what our 3rd-grade students have been working on in Spanish! Check out the FLES Newsletters on the left-hand side to see what else we are doing! These newsletters are updated bi-monthly.
Las mascotas
Our 3rd graders have been learning all about pets! Click here or here to see some of the pets we have learned!
La Fecha
Our 3rd grade students have been doing a great job learning how to say the date in Spanish!
Los Números 0-30
12- doce
16- dieciséis
17- diecisiete
18- dieciocho
21-veinte y uno
22-veinte y dos
23-veinte y tres
24- veinte y cuatro
25- veinte y cinco
26-veinte y seis
27-veinte y siete
28- veinte y ocho
29- veinte y nuvee
Here is the link to the CUENTA song to practice numbers 1-30 in Spanish!
Days of the week
Our 3rd grade students have been learning how to say the days of the week in Spanish! I have written the lyrics to our song below so our students can teach their friends and families the días de la semana! Have fun!
Days of the week *snap snap*
Days of the week *snap snap*
Days of the week
Days of the week
Days of the week
*snap snap*
There’s lunes and there’s martes
miércoles y jueves
viernes, sábado
and then domingo!
¿Cómo estás?
Our 3rd grade students have been doing a wonderful job saying how they are feeling in Spanish!
Review Games!
4th Grade
Welcome to our 2022-23 school year! Check out what our 4th-grade students are working on in Spanish class by clicking on the links below! You can also check out the FLES newsletters on the left-hand side. These newsletters are updated bi-monthly.
¡Tengo hambre!
Our 4th grade students have been learning how to talk about their favorite foods in Spanish! Click here to listen to the "tengo hambre" song!
El Desayuno
los panqueques
la leche
el yogur
el cereal
El Almuerzo
el sàndwich
el pollo
los espaguetis
el perro caliente
La Cena
la hamburguesa
la pizza
el bistec
el arroz
la sopa
¿Cómo eres tú?
Our 4th grade students have been doing a wonderful job learning how to describe themselves.
Yo soy...
Los Números 0-30
12- doce
16- dieciséis
17- diecisiete
18- dieciocho
21-veinte y uno
22-veinte y dos
23-veinte y tres
24- veinte y cuatro
25- veinte y cinco
26-veinte y seis
27-veinte y siete
28- veinte y ocho
29- veinte y nuvee
Here is the link to the CUENTA song to practice numbers 1-30 in Spanish!
¿Cómo estás?
Our 4th grade students have been doing a wonderful job reviewing emotions in Spanish!
Review Games!
- Dessert Quiz
- Drink Image Reveal
- Drink Maze Chase
- Drink and Fruit Sort
- Drink Memory
- Fruit and Vegetable Conveyor Belt
- Fruit and Vegetable Balloon Pop
- Los Vegetales Quiz
- Las Frutas y Los Vegetales
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Balloon Pop
- Lunch/Dinner Quiz
- Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Wack-A-Mole
- Breakfast/Lunch Image Reveal
- Breakfast/Lunch Conveyor
- Lunch Quiz
- Breakfast Image Reveal
- Breakfast Memory
- Breakfast Quiz
- Meal Sorting
- Adjective True/False
- Adjective Maze Chase
- Adjective Quiz
- Adjective Memory
- Pets Image Reveal
- Pets Wack-A-Mole
- Pets/Colors
- Pets Memory
- Pets Pacman
- Emotions Airplane Game
- Weather Quiz Game
- Weather Balloon Pop
5th Grade
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! Check out what our 5th-grade students will be learning in Spanish! Check back here often to see what your child(ren) is currently learning! You can always check out our FLES newsletter on the left-hand side to see what we are currently working on in Spanish. This newsletter is updated bi-monthly!
Los Verbos
Our 5th grade students have been learning verbs in Spanish!
jugar deportes
jugar videojuegos
Los Deportes -¿Qué juegas?
Our 5th-grade students have learned how to say what sport they can play!
Me gusta jugar al....
el fútbol americano
el béisbol
el lacrosse
el fútbol
la natación
el tenis
el golf
el vóleibol
¿Cómo estás?
Our 5th grade students have been doing a wonderful job reviewing emotions in Spanish!
Review Games!
- Verb Whack A Mole
- Verbs Gameshow Quiz
- Verbs Maze Chase
- Verb Airplane Fly
- Verbs Balloon Pop
- Verbs Conveyor Belt
- Verbs Quiz
- Verb Memory
- Maze Chase Los Numeros 1-40
- Balloon Pop Sports
- Sports Airplane Game
- Sports Conveyor Belt
- Sports Image Reveal
- Sports Quiz
- Dinner Balloon Pop
- Months/Pets
- Months Quiz
- Months Balloon Pop
- La Fecha-Unscramble
- Breakfast/Lunch Quiz
- Breakfast/Lunch Conveyor Belt
- El Desayuno Image Reveal
- El Desayuno Memory
- El Desayuno Quiz Game
FLES Newsletters
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Why is learning a 2nd language important?
*This article from the Early Childhood Education Journal highlights the benefits of studying a foreign language on language arts & math instruction
*Lead With Languages is an advocacy initiative from ACTFL (The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language), working to educate on the importance of language learning.
*Edutopia produced this video on the benefits of language learning for children.
How many scoops of ice cream will they order? Click here to find out!
Click here to find out who stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
¿Cuántos dedos? Click here to watch
Bebé Tiburón. Click here to watch!
Copo de Nieve! Click here to watch!
Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas, Pies! Click here to watch!
Hola Hola, ¿Cómo estás? Click here to watch!
Abre/Cierra: Click here to watch!
La araña pequenita: Click here to watch!
Billy la bufanda: Click here!
El alfabeto: Click here to watch!
¿Quién tomó la galleta?: Click here to watch!
Las mascotas: Click here to watch!
¡Date prisa! Click here to watch!
Rojo alto/Verde avanza: Click here to watch!
Los Pollitos Dicen: Click here to watch!
Hola Hola, Cómo estás? Click here to watch
Numbers 1-20 Click here to watch!
Si estás feliz: Click here to watch!
La granja de mi tío Click here to watch!
Los días de la semana
Tengo Hambre
¿Te Gusta El Pudín de Pepinillo?
¿Te Gusta El Helado De Brócoli?
Students of 1st and 2nd grades have been learning how to talk about what they like and don't like in Spanish! Here is a song we wacthed to practice saying "me gusta" and "no me gusta".
¿Te Gusta El Helado De Brócoli?
Los números
Here is the link to the CUENTA song to practice numbers 1-30 in Spanish!
Los días de la semana
Tengo Hambre
¿Te Gusta El Pudín de Pepinillo?
¿Te Gusta El Helado De Brócoli?
Students of 1st and 2nd grades have been learning how to talk about what they like and don't like in Spanish! Here is a song we wacthed to practice saying "me gusta" and "no me gusta".
¿Te Gusta El Helado De Brócoli?
Los números
Here is the link to the CUENTA song to practice numbers 1-30 in Spanish!
¿Puedo ir al baño?
Señorita….can I go to the bathroom?!?! This is a question I am asked a few times a day. Often times, I request that students ask me in Spanish: “¿Puedo ir al baño?” If that might be hard for you to remember, don’t worry Sr. Wooly is here! In this video, a student asks to go to the bathroom in Spanish class and when is is told no he becomes a liiiiiiittle frustrated and…well…starts singing!
El alfabeto
Here is the link to the alphabet song if you would like to listen to it again! Have fun!
Photo Gallery
Link Library
Some wonderful girl scouts in my class suggested this AWESOME website with more tools and games to continue your learning.
Rockalingua is an online collection of videos, games, worksheets, and more, designed to make learning Spanish fun and easy for kids around the world
Español para las primeras edades
This is a great website fom Spain. Click on the yellow arrow that says "Entrar" to begin. There are two different levels you can choose from. There are many different topics including family, toys, animals, sports, and even food!
This website has many free resources that are great for students and parents. It includes tasks, songs, games, and worksheets that are ready-made for students and parents!
Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! Here is the link for the website if you would like to play! You can search for games that have already been made to practice on your own!*Click the orange button on the top-right that says “Sign up for free!” It requires you to create an account so make sure you ask for permission before you make one!
Duolingo is a great way to practice and learn a language. You can use Duolingo through the website or the app. Basically, when you try Duolingo for the first time it will ask you what language you would like to learn or practice. Once you select a language, it will then ask you what you want your daily goal to be. Next, it will ask if you want to start at the basics or if you already know some Spanish. Depending on which one you choose, Duolingo does the rest! It will have questions and fun ways for you to practice and will track your progress. Make sure you have your volume turned on because there are many times when you will be asked to listen!
Quizlet is a website where you can practice many of the things we learn in class. There are games you can play, you can match the vocabulary as well as listening to the pronunciation! All at your own speed! Once you are in my page you can choose any of the sets I have created to practice numbers, months, days, saying the date, and more. I personally thnk the "Gravity" game is the most fun way to practice!
This is a great website for students to come and review what we have learned in class. It has audio supported with visuals to practice topics including numbers, colors, the alphabet, and animals.
BBC's Primary Language website has mini lessons with audio. There are also fun games for children to play as well!
Practice at Home
This is such a fun game to review Spanish vocabulary related to colors, numbers, body parts, fruits and more! There are also bonus questions to practice important Spanish questions such us" ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? Click HERE to play!
Duolingo is a great way to practice and learn a language. You can use Duolingo through the website or the app. Basically, when you try Duolingo for the first time it will ask you what language you would like to learn or practice. Once you select a language, it will then ask you what you want your daily goal to be. Next, it will ask if you want to start at the basics or if you already know some Spanish. Depending on which one you choose, Duolingo does the rest! It will have questions and fun ways for you to practice and will track your progress. Make sure you have your volume turned on because there are many times when you will be asked to listen! This website/app is a great way to continue Spanish outside of class! I can’t wait to hear all of the new words you learn! Again, you can dowloand the app or practice online. Here is the website:
**Make sure you ask for permission first!
Quizlet is a website where you can practice many of the things we learn in class. There are games you can play, you can match the vocabulary as well as listening to the pronunciation! All at your own speed! Here is how you can get there:
Copy and Paste the following link:
Once you are in my page you can choose any of the sets I have created to practice numbers, months, days, saying the date, and more. I personally thnk the "Gravity" game is the most fun way to practice! Have fun!
Kahoot! is a free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages! Here is the link for the website if you would like to play with your friends or families at home! You can search for games that have already been made to practice on your own!
*Click the orange button on the top-right that says “Sign up for free!”
It requires you to create an account so make sure you ask for permission before you make one!
Book Suggestions
¿Eres tύ mi mamá? by P.D. Eastman. Never having seen his mother, a baby bird makes many humorous mistakes trying to find her. Some students may have read this story in class this year to learn the vocabulary of “la familia”!
Buenas Noches Luna by Margaret Wise Brown. This is a great way to practice some of the vocabulary we learned this year. It is also a story many students are familiar with so it is the perfect way to learn and reinforce vocabulary in Spanish.
Eric Carle: These books are great because most are stories students have already read! They are a great review of colors, numbers, and days of the week!
Dr. Seuss: Similar to the Eric Carle books, Dr. Seuss books are also an excellent way for students to practice Spanish as many children are already familiar with the stories.
Chicks and Salsa by Aaron Reynolds is a hilarious story about farm animals stealing ingredients from the garden while the farmer is away to make salsa.
A Mango in the Hand: by Antonio Sacre. I love the incorporation of authentic proverbs in this story. Francisco went to get mangos for his father, mother and himself for dessert and learns many valuable lessons along the way.
Playing Lotería-El juego de la Lotería by Rene Colato Lainez tells the story of Mexican Lotería... a great cultural find!
The Princess and the Warrior: A Tale of Two Volcanoes by Duncan Tonatiuh is the retelling of the Aztec legend of the two volcanoes, Izta and Popo. A wonderful way to introduce ancient culture and a great read both kids and parents will enjoy!
Waiting for the Biblioburro/Esperando a Biblioburro by Monica Brown is the endearing story of Luis Soriano Bohórquez bringing books to children in Colombia via his burro (donkey).
Ugly Cat and Pablo by Isabel Quintero is a silly but fun read. There is lots of Spanish sprinkled through the book, and is great for emerging readers who don't want too long a book.
Who was Pablo Picasso? by True Kelley is part of a series of biographies written for young readers. Accessible and informative, this is a great book for children who are interested in nonfiction. The series also includes Who was Frida Kahlo? by Sarah Fabiny, Who was Cesar Chavez by Dana Meachen Rau, and Who was Roberto Clemente? by Jim Buckley.
The Red Umbrella by Christina Gonzalez is the tale of Lucía, a 14 year old girl living in Cuba in the sixties who, due to the revolution, must move to the US without her family. A touching historical fictional perspective on Cuba.
Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. We all know it and we all love it! It is an emotional story of coming to the US from México as a migrant worker.
The Dreamer by Pam Muñoz Ryan tells the story of Neftalí... who ultimately becomes Pablo Neruda. This is an illustrated novel perfect for older readers!